Jen Waldron


Jen Waldron is the mother of three sons, with plenty of tales and humor to share! We are so happy to have her as a guest blogger and part of our team. ❤

H e r e   i s  J e n ‘ s  b r i e f   b i o:

Jen Waldron was born and raised in New England. She now resides on the coast of Maine. When not working as a registered nurse, time is spent writing and baking, and then baking and writing.

Previous and current publications are based upon personal memories and the humor in life. She is incredibly thankful for three wonderful sons, all with halos (wink, wink), and the inspiration they provide.

Vacations are spent along a multitude of coastlines because secretly she wishes a ‘sea glass hunter’ were an actual occupation.

To enjoy more of Jen’s work, you can visit her website at: 

@2021 All rights reserved. Jen Waldron & ScreaminMamastm